Any new player to the game wouldn't know any of the abbreviations and many of the terms used by other players. So here's a list to link to any new player who starts to ask what every term means, along with some short explanations to a few basic features.
If you think there is anything missing here, send me a message through Discord(CatFace there too, currently in both official and reddit servers), I rarely check messages on dexless.
To any newbie reading this, just use a search function to find whatever you're looking for, this list isn't alphabetically ordered.
Any boss that has multiple difficulties usually have the difficulty added as a prefix(i.g cht for chaos horntail).
the common difficulties for bosses in the game are: easy,normal,hard,chaos and for gollux exclusively, hell.
now for the list of the bosses themselves:
ht- horntail, dragon boss in leafre, used for some exp and starting gear.
zak- zakum, totem boss in the mines of el-nath, used mainly for exp.
ra- a set of 4 bosses with their chaos variant being a source for strong equipment. the 4 bosses are vellum(vel), crimson queen(cq, queen),von bon(vb, chicken) and pierre(clown)
pap- papulatos, clock(?) boss in ludibrium.
pb- pink bean, a boss in temple of time.
vl- von leon, lion boss in the lion king castle.
ark - arkarium, in temple of time as well
mag- magnus, hard variant is a source of tyrant gear
cyg- cygnus, a boss in future ereve
lomian- lotus and damien.
bm- black mage
other often mentioned bosses with no abbreviations for the sake of "whats a hilla":
hilla(hard variant can give a temp pet), ursus(18 members bear boss), gollux,princess no, cygnus, lotus(boss of haven), damien(boss of dark world tree, lucid, will, gloom, darknell,
ar- arcane river, a set of multiple areas, all being lv200+, consisting of vanishing journey(vj, 200), chu chu island(chu chu, 210), lachelein(lach, 220), arcana(225), morass(230), esfera(235) and teneberis, which is separated into 3 areas as well: moon bridge, labyrinth of suffering and limina,upcoming areas(coming around July 2020):reverse city(205), yam yam island(215). Each unlocking at a different level.
dwt- dark world tree, lv190+, source of absolab gear.
lhc- lion heart castle
cwk- crimsonwood keep
sy- scrapyard/haven,lv190+, source of absolab gear.
other often mentioned areas with no abbreviation:
pantheon- home of the nova and flora, used for easy transportaion without access to an htr(hyper teleport rock).
tower of oz- 50 stages time limited quest.
mp- monster park, daily solo dungeons that reward exp and a few other items.
fes 1-4- forsaken excavation site, a set of maps within future perion(180+).
Btc- below the cave, vanishing journey (200+)
sfd- slurpy forest depths, a map in chu chu island(210+).
rev1-3- revelation place, lachelein(220+)
chickens1-3- chicken festival, lachelein(220+)
clp- cavern lower path, arcana(225+), very popular map.
lp1/2- lower path, arcana(225+)
cup- cavern upper path, arcana(225+)
up1/2- upper path, arcana(225+)
pot- potential, bonus stats that can be applied to almost all items, has 4 tiers: rare,epic,unique and legendary, the stats are unrelated to flame stats.
bpot- bonus potential, similar to potential but with a slightly different options pool.
pot- might also refer to potions or pieces of time
flames- used to additional stats to most equipment(with the exception of rings, shoulders, secondaries, hearts, medals, and emblems) and reroll existing additional stats, the stats are unrelated to potential stats, certain items tagged as "boss reward"(that do not exclusively come from bosses) have much stronger flames.
nodestones- used to obtain 5th job skills and boosts.
htr- hyper teleport rock, available for nx in normal servers and meso in reboot. enables instant teleportation to most maps.
spell traces- used to scroll equipment.
cubes- used to reroll an existing potential, there are multiple cube types with different limitations and behavior.
circ- miracle circulator, used as another way to reroll inner ability, with the option to keep the old stats and higher tier up rate.
scrolls- commonly mentioned scrolls: css(clean slate scroll, change to regain a failed scroll slot), primes(specific scrolls with high stat gain), chaos scrolls(grant random scroll stats, different variations are available).
wse- weapon, secondary, emblem. grouped together for their common potential pool.
wilderness/hunters- wilderness hunter buff(not obtainable anymore, rip wilderness)
common equipment sets:
sw- sweetwater, obtainable from commerci.
cra gear- the equipment obtained from cra bosses, lv150
absolab- obtainable from damien and lotus(also requires items from their respective areas)
arcane umbra- obtained from lucid and will(also requires items from their respective area, with butterfly droplets being obtainable in both lach, arcana and morass)
Gollux- pendants, rings, belts and earrings available from gollux.
Boss set- a big set of lower level items from various early game bosses.
Hboss set- a much more powerful set of items from hard variations of bosses from lomien up
pf- pathfinder
hy-ho young
bt- beast tamer
dw- dawn warrior
bw-blaze wizard
wa- wind archer
nw- night walker
tb- thunder breaker
drk- dark knight
i/l- ice and lightning mage
f/p- fire and poison mage
bish- bishop
ab- angelic buster
bam- battle mage
bm- bow master
mm- marksman
bucc- buccaneer
da- demon avenger
ds- demon slayer
db- dual blade
lumi- luminous
phant- phantom
mech- mechanic
merc- mercedes
nl- night lord
shad- shadower
wh- wild hunter
There are more classes obviously but those are the ones that are usually abbreviated
att/watk- attack
matt- magic attack
str,dex,int,luk- the 4 basic stats, every class focuses on one of those(excluding da, that focuses on hp)
ap- ability points, the points applied to either the 4 basic stats, mp or hp.
sp- skill points, points invested in leveling up skill.
hyper stats- seperate points system that can be invested in various stats.
pdr- physical damage reduction, how much of the attack's damage is reduced by the enemy(a boss usually, despite being referred to as physical, all enemies in the game have equal pdr and mdr(magical damage reduction) so the same number reduces magical attacks as well).
as- attack speed
ied- ignore enemy defense, reduces the enemy's pdr(multiplicative in a diminishing fashion:from 0%, +40% and +30% results in 60% total ied)
sf- star force, stars give extra stats to gear and have an effect on the players damage in specific starforce maps.
af- arcane force, comes from arcane symbols, similar concept to star force.
range- on the stats page appears as "damage", how much damage a single line of a 100% attack can deal.
bonus damage- pretty self explanatory but important to note that it is already applied in the visual damage range.
boss damage- bonus damage that only applies against bosses. stacks additively with normal bonus damage.
final damage- a damage multiplier that multiplies over everything. additional final damage will also multiply the existing final damage.
ia- inner ability, another source of stats.
dps/dpm- damage per second/minute.
additional systems:
link skills- a skill(usually passive) that a character can share to another character on the same account on the same world.
legion- a complex world-wide system that gives bonuses to the players characters on that world based on total level of characters in it, picked bonuses from a grid, specific class bonuses and a few other factors. supplies useful coins for the legion coin shop as well.
pq- party quest(most pqs arent used anymore with the exception of drpq(dragon rider),dipq(dimension invasion),cpq(commmerci),hmuto(chu chu pq called muto, and on hard difficulty) and kenta pq)
alliance- a group of guilds that form together into an alliance.
v matrix- the skill system for 5th job.
dmt- double miracle time, higher tier up change for potentials with red and black cubes, red and black cubes on discount and a chance to rank up twice.
mhw- maplewood watch, quests that reward a bunch of nice items.
fj/dj- flash jump/double jump.
hs/dhs- holy symbol/decent holy symbol,bonus to exp and drop rate.
se/dse- sharp eye/decent sharp eye, bonus to crit rate and crit damage.
si/dsi- speed infusion/decent speed infusion- bonus to attack speed.
co/dco- combat orders/decent combat orders, increase skill levels
kishin- skill used by kanna to increase the mob count and spawn rate of a map.
hms- holy magic shell, defense skill used by bishop.
carry- help another player by killing a difficult boss for them to get it's rewards.("carry me cra please")
cc- "change channel", usually a request to move to another channel when the current one is taken.
ks- kill steal, killing monsters in a map thats taken by someone else.
bl- buddy list
gp- guild points
cap- usually refers to getting the daily maximum of 5000 gp a day with guildies.
Game servers:
gms- global maplestory
kms- korean maplestory
tms- taiwan maplestory
thms- thailand maplestory
cms- china maplestory
msea- singapore maplestory
ch- channel
iframe- invincibility frames, being unable to take damage for a certain time.
mule- any character that isnt the main character of the player.
fr- flag race, guild jump quest
Just a glossary(and a bit more) for everything maple
Guide in 'General Guides' published by CatFace, Apr 6, 2020.
List of abbreviations and terms often used and explanations to them to help newbies understand everyone slightly more.
Guide Author CatFace, Find all guides by CatFace
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